In the picture

published on 12 April 2023
The Rainbowhouse wishes to strengthen its missions as an associative federation of Brussels collectives in order to better embrace the various post-covid issues facing our communities.
The stability and sustainability of associations is a point of attention. LGBTQIA+ associations and collectives must be able to be supported in their frontline or outreach actions and the federation plays a subsidiary role here to provide support, advice and resources, as a second line or through complementary and concerted action (such as on the administrative level, for example).
One of the central missions of the federation is to contribute to the visibility of gender, sexual orientation and sexual minorities and their development within the community. This takes the form of advocacy, the stimulation of research and material support for the socio-cultural initiatives of the associations.
For these reasons, the RainbowHouse Federation is innovating various calls for projects – grants during the year 2023. These grants will be open to member associations and collectives and aim to strengthen the visibility of different minorities and groups that constitute the LGBTQIA+ community.
These actions are developed with the support of the Cocof (service culture Education Permanente) with the objective of developing networking and knowledge exchange within a group but also its representation and outreach within other groups and audiences.
The candidate associations propose artistic and socio-didactic contents on the question of the visibilization of their community/identity on the occasion of an international day dedicated to them.
The RainbowHouse will develop the political dimension by relaying and federating the associative concerns around the issues of the groups/communities concerned.
To do what?
Any socio-cultural activity of diffusion or production of activities such as cinema projections, performances, exhibitions, conferences, concerts and any other activity which is part of a process of permanent education, reflection and mediatization of problems and realities of the concerned groups in the optics of a societal change and of reduction of inequalities.
The management of the programming, of the project (reception, promotion, logistics,…) will be done entirely by the chosen association, by its volunteers and/or employees. The RainbowHouse does not have staff for projects of this type.
Les Grands Carmes will provide free space for the activities.
For whom?
The people concerned will be the primary audience, but the events will also ensure that the issues and talents are shared with the general public. All general media partnerships will be mobilized and special attention will be paid to audiences in precarious financial situations. Attention will also be given to young audiences.
By whom?
The associative landscape includes several associations and collectives with seasoned practices and expertise, whether salaried or volunteer.
To participate, you just need to be affiliated to the federation or to become affiliated within the year.
A selection committee composed of members of the Team, the Board of Administration and experts will select the proposed project.
Different specific criteria will be taken into account:
- Small associations with little funding and less knowledge of the administrative machinery will be given preference.
- The intersectional character of the project will also be a favorable criteria
- The innovative nature of the content and the issues raised/proposed
- The advocacy dimension
- The budgetary realism and the operational feasibility of the project
Those aspects will also constitute the criteria for the selection of the project by a multidisciplinary committee.
How do you apply?
You propose us a project and a program (3 pages maximum) as well as a note of intention (1 page maximum) and a budget.
You have total freedom on the contents and the organization. The RainbowHouse will propose to the selected project an intervention between 500 and 2000€ and will be able to bring you support on the administrative aspects and on the communication.
The collective will make sure, at the latest one month after the event, to submit all supporting documents in accordance with the requirements of the administrations. An activity report will also be delivered by the project leaders.
When and where?
The proposed event-project will be concentrated around the following days:
- International Lesbian Day of Visibility: April 26 (call closed)
- International Non-Binary Day of Visibility: July 14 (deadline for applications: May 15)
- Bi and Pan Day of Visibility: September 23. (Deadline for submission of projects is July 1)
- Intersex Day of Visibility, october 26. (Submission of projects for 1 september)
- Day of visibility for people with disabilities (and LGBTQIA+), December 3: (submission of project for November 20)
Send your application titled ” Call Rainbow Visibilities” according to the deadlines mentioned to with the following information
- Association/group sheet: contact persons and presentation of the organizing group (individuals and groups).
- Note of intent and motivations
- Programming
- Detailed budget
Several member associations can join together but the request must be made by an association that will be responsible for the financial justifications.
The support offered by RainbowHouse is not exclusive and can be combined with other requests/calls for projects that the project leaders may request.