

Merhaba (“Welcome in Arabic and Turkish) is a movement comprising women, men and trans-gender persons mainly with roots in the Magreb, the Middle East, Turkey and sub-Saharan Africa who feel attracted by persons of the same sex and/or question their own sexuality or gender identity.

Our aim is to promote the welfare, emancipation, social participation and acceptability of all LGBTQIs (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, queer, questioning en intersex persons) from ethno-cultural minorities – irrespective of age, nationality, ethnic background, race, gender, faith, status, …

We do this on the one hand be offering easy access to the target groups (that is, to LGBTQIs from ethno-cultural minorities) and on the other hand by  informing and raising awareness in the different groups or systems they are part of or come into contact with (in the ethno-cultural minorities, the traditional LGBTQI movement, the educational and social services and the broader population).

Merhaba also contributes to the inter-culturalisation of the LGBTQI movement, social assistance organizations and service organisations, education, society. With a multiple identity, Merhaba moves easily between reference frameworks and social groups. In this way it can enter into respectful dialogue with, and build bridges between, the  different groups.

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Cultural diversity

Identities and gender expression

Sexual diversity