Genres d’à Côté- Anti-discrimination
- Cultural diversity
- Identities and gender expression
- Culture and leisure activities
18:30 Saturday 14 March 2020
Genres d’à côté promeut les cultures des sexualités et des genres différents par des démarches cinématographiques et artistiques.
Tous les 2ème samedis du mois à la MAC, c’est le bar de Genres d’à Côté, l’occasion d’un verre dans une ambiance musicale chaque fois différente (pop-rock alternatif, italodisco, hip-hop, riot grrrls…).
In connection
Better welcoming LGBTQI+ people with a migration background – The Equalcity project
The Equalcity project is coming to an end. This project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme...
publié le 29 September 2017
Cultural diversity
Better welcoming LGBTQI+ people with a migration background – The Equalcity project
The Equalcity project is coming to an end. This project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme...
publié le 29 September 2017
Identities and gender expression
ILGA Report: How to interpret the data?
The ILGA report was released almost two weeks ago. It has been quoted many times during the official speeches at...
- Anti-discrimination
- International
- Health and well-being
- Asylum & Migration
- Families and parenthood
- Identities and gender expression
- Sexual diversity
- Inclusive organisations
- Pride
publié le 29 September 2017
Culture and leisure activities
Besides occasional news reports about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, there is very little comparable...
- Sexual diversity
- Identities and gender expression
- Inclusive organisations
- Culture and leisure activities
publié le 29 September 2017