Genres d’à Côté- Anti-discrimination
- Identities and gender expression
- Sexual diversity
- Culture and leisure activities
18:30 > 00:00 Saturday 12 October 2019
Genres d’à côté promeut les cultures des sexualités et des genres différents par des démarches cinématographiques et artistiques.
Tous les 2ème samedis du mois à la MAC, c’est le bar de Genres d’à Côté, l’occasion d’un verre dans une ambiance musicale chaque fois différente (pop-rock alternatif, italodisco, hip-hop, riot grrrls…).
In connection
ILGA Report: How to interpret the data?
The ILGA report was released almost two weeks ago. It has been quoted many times during the official speeches at...
- Anti-discrimination
- International
- Health and well-being
- Asylum & Migration
- Families and parenthood
- Identities and gender expression
- Sexual diversity
- Inclusive organisations
- Pride
publié le 29 September 2017
Identities and gender expression
Take part in our communication survey
Because you are important ! RainbowHouse launches its first communication survey with the goal of optimizing the diffusion of information...
publié le 29 September 2017
Sexual diversity
LGBTQI+ pioneers in the spotlight
Since the 18th of January 2020, the rooms of the RainbowHouse have been named after 7 important LGBTQI+ icons. The...
publié le 29 September 2017
Culture and leisure activities
LGBTQI+ pioneers in the spotlight
Since the 18th of January 2020, the rooms of the RainbowHouse have been named after 7 important LGBTQI+ icons. The...
publié le 29 September 2017