Family in Transition & Butterflies in Berlin ☆ PrideFestival
19:15 > 21:00
Tuesday 15 September 2020
Family in Transition & Butterflies in Berlin ☆ PrideFestival
Prix / Prijs / Price : 8,75 / 7 euros
Langue / Taal / Language : VO st/ot FR
Inscription / Inschrijving : /
Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility * : oui (voir ci-dessous) / ja (zie hieronder) / yes (see below)
Family in Transition
Israel, 2018, Hebrew with French subtitles – 70 minutes – new release in vostfr
Documentary by Ofir Trainin
This exceptional documentary begins when a “father” decides to tell her family that she is a transgender woman. Supported and accompanied by her wife and children in this transition, the protagonist will confront herself in the eyes of society.
Their metamorphosis will redistribute the cards in the family. The authenticity of the testimonies of each of its members proves to be overwhelming.
Butterflies in Berlin – opening the session
Italy, 2019, English with French subtitles – 30 minutes – unpublished in vostfr
Animated film by Monica Manganelli
This superb animated film leads us to meet Alex who moved to Berlin in 1933. Searching for his place in the world as well as his sexual identity, the young man becomes one of the first patients in the history of transgender surgery at a time when the capital of sexual freedom becomes the scene of all repression.
* Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility
FR// Accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite . Cette année, nous mettons en place un système de “buddies” pour les personnes qui souhaiteraient être accompagnées par un.e bénévole, plus d’informations sur
NL // Dit heeft te maken met de bereikbaarheid voor personen met een beperkte mobiliteit . Dit jaar, zetten we een systeem van “buddies” op poten voor wie graag begeleiding krijgt van een vrijwilliger. Meer info op
Disclaimer COVID19:
FR // Toutes les activités du PrideFestival sont encore susceptibles de changer. Tous les changements seront communiqués sur les événements Facebook, ainsi que sur le site internet de la RainbowHouse.
NL // Alle PrideFestival activiteiten zijn nog steeds aan verandering onderhevig. Alle wijzigingen zullen worden gecommuniceerd op de Facebook-evenementen, evenals op de RainbowHouse-website.
EN // All PrideFestival activities are still subject to change. All changes will be communicated on the Facebook events, as well as on the RainbowHouse website.