Cercle LGBTQI+ Etudiant – CHE
Cercle Etudiant LGBTQI Bar - RainbowHouse19:30 Thursday 11 April 2019
Le Cercle étudiant LGBTQI (Lesbiennes Gays Bisexuel.le.s Trans* Queers Intersexué.e.s) a pour vocation de rassembler des jeunes qui éprouvent une attirance différente de la norme hétérosexuelle et/ou une identité de genre différente de la norme cisgenre.
L’association accueille à bras ouverts toutes celles et ceux qui sont intéressé.e.s par les sujets touchant aux droits LGBTQI, à la culture LGBTQI et au rôle des personnes LGBTQI dans la société d’aujourd’hui.
N’hésite plus à venir découvrir cette fabuleuse association tous les 2e jeudis du mois autour d’un petit verre ou d’un délicieux cocktails !
In connection
Education and youngsters
Take part in our communication survey
Because you are important ! RainbowHouse launches its first communication survey with the goal of optimizing the diffusion of information...
publié le 29 September 2017
Identities and gender expression
May 24. International day of Pansexual and Pan-Romantic Visibility.
May 24th is the international day of pansexual and panromantic (or pan) visibility. Pansexuality is a sexual orientation in its...
publié le 29 September 2017
Sexual diversity
LGBTQI+ pioneers in the spotlight
Since the 18th of January 2020, the rooms of the RainbowHouse have been named after 7 important LGBTQI+ icons. The...
publié le 29 September 2017
Inclusive organisations
ILGA Report: How to interpret the data?
The ILGA report was released almost two weeks ago. It has been quoted many times during the official speeches at...
- Anti-discrimination
- International
- Health and well-being
- Asylum & Migration
- Families and parenthood
- Identities and gender expression
- Sexual diversity
- Inclusive organisations
- Pride
publié le 29 September 2017