
Gender Troubles : The Butches

RainbowHouse Brussels - Salle Lollepot - Rue de la Chaufferette 3
Thursday 30 November 2017

The L-Festival 2017 celebrates butches! Tonight, the projection of a documentary dedicated to them > Gender Troubles: The Butches, in collaboration with Pink Screens / Genres d’à Côté.

Contrary to popular myth, butch lesbians are not trying to be feminine and failing. They are not going through a rebellious stage or imitating men. They are women who, while being true to their most authentic selves, look and behave in some ways that society has decided is appropriate only for males. While lesbians and gay men are enjoying more acceptance from society in general, this tolerance is often limited to those individuals who seem most like their heterosexual counterparts: feminine women and masculine men. The women in this film examine and challenge society’s assumptions about gender roles and show the courage it takes to be true to oneself. Their struggles reveal how everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is pressured to conform and measure up to restrictive gender standards.

From Lisa Plourde
With Alison, Stacy, Sasha, Lisa, Lenn
FR Subtitles
USA, 2016, 0h54

Open to everyone

In the theme of ‘Butchs”, do not miss out on the opening of the double exhibition Rose Butch and Meg Allen on the 23rd of November and the Butchs & Bears: a Love Party on the 30th of

L-Festival is a lesbian, bi, trans and feminist festival organized by RainbowHouse Brussels.

Find our full program on our facebook page !

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