
InQlusion Project

InQlusion Project

The InQlusion project was launched by RainbowHouse and Fedasil. It aims to promote the welcoming and support of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers. The programme has three main priorities:

  • train workers at the Fedasil and Red Cross centres on asylum, migration and LGBTQI+ interculturality issues.
  • to offer an animation for residents in order to raise their awareness of the rights of LGBTQI+ people in Belgium. 
  • create a connection between the LGBTQI+ associative sector and the various asylum facilities.

Today, applications for asylum on the grounds of LGBTQI-phobic persecution represent more than 1200 people each year, or more than 5% of all cases. LGBTQI+ people are confronted with LGBTQI+ phobias throughout their procedure. RainbowHouse has specialized in this theme for several years to change this reality.

“Belgium has about 60 reception centres, accounting for 2/3 of the capacity of the total reception network. In addition to the 22 federal centres managed by Fedasil, there are reception centres managed by partners. The remaining places are in individual houses, organized by the local municipalities or NGOs.

The reception centres of Fedasil each have their own web page that you can access from the French or Dutch version of our website.

Bron: Fedasil


The RainbowHouse is looking for volunteers to support LGBTQI asylum seekers: more information here.

Centre Croix-Rouge d'ArlonCentre Croix-Rouge d'ArlonCentre Fedasil de MorlanwelzCentre Fedasil de MorlanwelzCentre Fedasil de BovignyCentre Fedasil de Bovigny

In connection


Cultural diversity


Asylum & Migration