RainbowHouse Brussels would like to support the thousands of LGBTQIA+ activists who will march through the streets of the Serbian...
publié le 17 September 2022
For Ecolo, the fight of the LesBiTransGays is in keeping with a global political struggle for emancipation and equal rights in the heart of a pluralistic society. For this reason, Ecolo was the first Belgian party to incorporate marriage, and later, adoption, for homosexual couples in its political manifesto.
ENPH was established in January 1998, at the time of the Ecologie politique (EGEP) Congress. After a forum entitled “Homosexuals, outsiders or full members of society?” some of our more active members created a group to unite all persons interested in homosexuality and its causes, in its broadest sense, as well as other related topics.
ENPH is the one of the founders of the Fédération des Associations Gays et Lesbiennes (FAGL), whose (now accomplished) aim was to unite homosexual associations.
We meet every two months either in Brussels or Namur. Together with our Federal MP, Zoé Genot, we prepare the work for our MPs on LesBiTransGays questions.
In 2022, like the LGBTQIA+ movement, ENPH is evolving into Green and Proud, to be more inclusive!
Contact :
e-mail: simon.rasquin@ecolo.be
tel : 0476/69.33.08
RainbowHouse Brussels would like to support the thousands of LGBTQIA+ activists who will march through the streets of the Serbian...
publié le 17 September 2022
Besides occasional news reports about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, there is very little comparable...
publié le 29 September 2017
Because you are important ! RainbowHouse launches its first communication survey with the goal of optimizing the diffusion of information...
publié le 29 September 2017