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Pink E-ftar

21:00 > 22:30
Sunday 17 May 2020
“Eating together as a connection in an increasingly diverse society”

Even in times of social distancing, an Iftar meal is the perfect opportunity to bring people closer together and build bridges.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this virtual Iftar with testimonials, stories, culture and a conversation with imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed. Zahed is openly homosexual and the founder of a Parisian mosque where LGBT people, queers and transpers, but also atheists, are welcome.

We organize this Pink E-ftar with the Pride weeks in mind and heart. To break through homophobic violence, taboos and stereotypes.

We’re not trying to convince you to participate in the Iftar. Being open to love and knowledge of it is always allowed.

Further informations on the Facebook event, here.

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