Escorts: Health of MSM and trans* sexworkers/prostitutes ☆ PrideFestival
Alias RainbowHouse18:00 > 21:00 Thursday 17 September 2020
Escorts: Health of MSM and trans* sexworkers/prostitutes ☆ PrideFestival 🏳️🌈
Prix / Prijs / Price : gratuit / gratis / free
Langue / Taal / Language : FR
Inscription / Inschrijving : /
Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility * : escaliers à l’entrée et/ou aux toilettes / trappen aan de inkom en/of toiletten / stairs at the entrance and/or toilets
⭐️ Alias is an association offering psycho-medico-social support services for MSM (Men who have sex with men) and trans* people involved in sex work/prostitution in the Brussels-Capital Region. We organise a focus on the health of our target groups in the form of a presentation/debate on the projects and research in progress at Alias.
This conference will be in french with the possibility of questions/answers in English, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.
Programme :
– Part 1: Health focus (+/-1h) –
1/ Brief presentation of Alias, its team, its different projects, its service offer.
2/ Broadcasting of the Alias video capsule to the Arabic-speaking public followed by a discussion about the precarious situation of the migrant public.
3/ Alias’ PrEP pilot project: presentation of the project, analysis of project data, perspectives.
– Part 2: Research focus (+/-1h)
4/ Broadcasting of the Alias video capsule to the student audience followed by a presentation of the survey carried by Alias in 2019 and released in 2020: Alias, 2020, “Exploratory survey of MSM and trans* students active in prostitution/sex work in Brussels and beyond”.
5/ Presentation of the survey carried by Alias in 2019 and released in 2020: Alias, 2020, “Exploratory survey on chemsex in the context of prostitution/sex work MSM & Trans* in Brussels Capital and beyond. ”
6/ Conclusion and perspectives; ongoing research on violence against trans* women working on the streets in the northern district. The notion of violence is studied in a broad sense: physical, psychological, institutional, societal, etc.
7/ Questions / answers with the people in the room.
* Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility
FR// Accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite . Cette année, nous mettons en place un système de “buddies” pour les personnes qui souhaiteraient être accompagnées par un.e bénévole, plus d’informations sur
NL // Dit heeft te maken met de bereikbaarheid voor personen met een beperkte mobiliteit . Dit jaar, zetten we een systeem van “buddies” op poten voor wie graag begeleiding krijgt van een vrijwilliger. Meer info op
EN // Accessibility for people with reduced mobility . This year, we are setting up a system of “buddies” for people who would like to be accompanied by a volunteer, more information on
Disclaimer COVID19:
FR // Toutes les activités du PrideFestival sont encore susceptibles de changer. Tous les changements seront communiqués sur les événements Facebook, ainsi que sur le site internet de la RainbowHouse.
NL // Alle PrideFestival activiteiten zijn nog steeds aan verandering onderhevig. Alle wijzigingen zullen worden gecommuniceerd op de Facebook-evenementen, evenals op de RainbowHouse-website.
EN // All PrideFestival activities are still subject to change. All changes will be communicated on the Facebook events, as well as on the RainbowHouse website.
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