Belgian Business Association

What are my rights and duties as a patient? What about those of the health professionals? Can I say no? What is acceptable and what is not?
If you are asking yourself these questions, our “consent in care” conference is for you! We will try to give you some answers during this meeting, focusing on gynecological care.
********Event in non-mixed chosen without cis men, addressed to patients********
The new report by TGEU (Transgender Europe) has just been released. It is a detailed analysis of the situation of...
publié le 29 September 2017
The ILGA report was released almost two weeks ago. It has been quoted many times during the official speeches at...
publié le 29 September 2017
The ILGA report was released almost two weeks ago. It has been quoted many times during the official speeches at...
publié le 29 September 2017
The Equalcity project is coming to an end. This project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme...
publié le 29 September 2017