Emotional resilience workshop
Rue de la chaufferette 3 Lollepotstraat18:30 > 21:30 Tuesday 19 October 2021
Emotional resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ after stress and challenges. In this workshop we explore different ways to increase our resilience and deal with personal and social challenges. We will draw on the ‘work that reconnects’ to explore how we can connect more deeply, face our difficult emotions and resource ourselves to increase our resilience and agency. For questions or to register you can send an email to There are limited places available for this event, please register in advance. This workshop is meant for LGBTQIA+/Queer people. This workshop is organised by Feros asbl and will be facilitated by Robin (he/they) and Murmure (all pronouns, changing). Both trainers have a background in different social movements including the climate movement, squat movement, anti-nuclear and anti-military action and they regularly facilitate on the topics of emotional resilience, sustainable activism and care in our movements.
This project is subsidised by Equal.Brussels and La Ville de Bruxelles.
Link to the Facebook event!
Logo de FluidCity par Marie Leprêtre
Facebook: Ma Tête est pleine d’endroits
Instagram: @mateteestpleinedendroits
Facebook: Ma Tête est pleine d’endroits
Instagram: @mateteestpleinedendroits
In connection
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- Culture and leisure activities
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- Anti-discrimination
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- Identities and gender expression
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Inclusive organisations
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- Inclusive organisations
- Anti-discrimination
- International
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- Identities and gender expression
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