Espaces publics, Affaires Privées : Quelle place avaient les lesbiennes et les gays dans la ville du XIXe à la fin du XXe siècle ? ☆ PrideFestival 🏳️🌈
Prix / Prijs / Price : gratuit / gratis / free
Langue / Taal / Language : FR
Inscription / Inschrijving : /
Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility * : oui (voir ci-dessous) / ja (zie hieronder) / yes (see below)
⭐️ EN // Urban public space and clandestine encounters have always been closely linked. In Brussels, as in most large cities, homosexuals had drawn up a secret map to evade the laws. So often men were “mugging” (i.e. flirting around urinals), what about the meeting between women? On the occasion of artist Marc Martin’s exhibition at LaVallée, scientists, historians and activists retrace the private lives of our elders and decipher a subculture that is often denigrated. What place was given to lesbians and gays in the city in the 19th and 20th centuries?
On the program:
14h00 – Introduction and presentation of Marc Martin and the elders: Jean-Pierre Espérandieu (74 years old) and Hugues L. (73 years old).
14h30 – Projection of a video testimony by Wannes Dupont, lecturer in modern history at Yale-NUS College, Singapore. “The unbridled evil. A genealogy of homosexuality in Belgium”, 2015.
14:45 – Sébastien Landrieux, contractual doctoral student in contemporary history. Université de Lille – IRHiS “From Modalities of Oppression to Modes of Resilience: Contribution to a History of Homosexuality in the North (1890-1985). »
15:30 – Marian Lens, feminist activist and founder of the association L-tour: “The place of lesbians in the public space: evolution from the end of the 19th century to today”.
16:00 – Round table & Q&A
16:30 – Drinks & Food
This conference will be:
– preceded by a permanent screening with Exaequo. Come and get tested on the spot from noon.
– followed by a second conference: “What About Lesbian Spaces“.
* Accessibilité / Toegankelijkheid / Accessibility
FR// Accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite . Cette année, nous mettons en place un système de “buddies” pour les personnes qui souhaiteraient être accompagnées par un.e bénévole, plus d’informations sur http://rainbowhouse.be/fr/projet/pridefestival/.
NL // Dit heeft te maken met de bereikbaarheid voor personen met een beperkte mobiliteit . Dit jaar, zetten we een systeem van “buddies” op poten voor wie graag begeleiding krijgt van een vrijwilliger. Meer info op http://rainbowhouse.be/nl/projet/pride-festival/
EN // Accessibility for people with reduced mobility . This year, we are setting up a system of “buddies” for people who would like to be accompanied by a volunteer, more information on http://rainbowhouse.be/en/projet/pride-festival-2/
Disclaimer COVID19:
FR // Toutes les activités du PrideFestival sont encore susceptibles de changer. Tous les changements seront communiqués sur les événements Facebook, ainsi que sur le site internet de la RainbowHouse.
NL // Alle PrideFestival activiteiten zijn nog steeds aan verandering onderhevig. Alle wijzigingen zullen worden gecommuniceerd op de Facebook-evenementen, evenals op de RainbowHouse-website.
EN // All PrideFestival activities are still subject to change. All changes will be communicated on the Facebook events, as well as on the RainbowHouse website.
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