Entre Gays Belgique

On this anniversary weekend of RainbowHouse Brussels, many activities will be proposed during these three days.
On Sunday, October 31, 2021, RainbowHouse Brussels will host an afternoon of history and remembrance to honor its pioneers, those in the struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights, and to give anyone who wishes the opportunity to listen to the stories of early activists, both within our House and in the struggle in Brussels and Belgium. This will take place from 2:30 pm in the Marsha P. Johnson Room (Chaufferette Street 3, 1000 Brussels). A closing reception with birthday cake will take place at 17:00 to conclude this fantastic weekend.
Don’t forget that the festivities take place during the whole weekend.
Friday 29/10 program :
Saturday 30/10 program:
This activity is organized as part of the 20th birthday of the RainbowHouse. This project is funded by Equal.Brussels, the City of Brussels, the COCOF and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
Please note that access to the room will only be possible with a covid safe ticket.
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