Green And Proud

The Ecologist parties have always been the pioneers concerning the rights and the acceptance of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. During the Ecologists’ government we have been able to realise some important demands such as same-sex marriage and an anti-discrimination law.
Nowadays we might have the illusion that there are no more essential challenges or political issues. Reality, however, shows us that there are still enormous challenges in the field of acceptance and well-being, having a political side as well. Moreover, there are current situations that only recently get some attention such as the refugee crisis, poverty and lack of opportunities, multiple parenthood and the importance of the gender identity registration.
The working group of the Pink Ecologists unites people within the ecologist party to reflect upon these topics. This working group has been active for years already. On August 27th 2016 Petra De Sutter en Bruno De Lille became the proud godfather and godmother of our group.
We also frequently organise critical and heartwarming actions and campaigns. Together with Ecolo we organised for instance a debate about LGBT+-refugees in the light of the Belgian Pride and on last summer weekend a discussion was held together with Gendernet on the use of sex or gender registration. Although these activities may have an internal focus sometimes, they are also always open to an interested external public. Of course we also take part in prides in Belgium and abroad. The Pink Ecologists are part of the Queer Greens Network of the European Ecologist Party and take part every year in a pride abroad to back up local LGBT+ activists (2016 Vilnius, 2017 Warsaw).
The LGBT+-topics can count on a lot of sympathy of the Ecology Party and this active working group with experienced experts from amongst others the centre field, education, politics and the academic world is the best proof thereof. With the Pink Ecologists we are hence very committed to include these experiences and expertise in the field of sexual diversity and gender diversity in the substantial, political activity of the party.
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