Green And Proud

Lest we forget, Ihsane, a young Moroccan man in his thirties, was murdered in Liège in 2012 because he was gay.
Following this homophobic murder, his father Hassan Jarfi set up a foundation to combat homophobia and discrimination based on ethnic, cultural, religious and other grounds.
The foundation has also set up a shelter for young homosexuals who have been rejected by their families.
The Ihsane Jarfi Foundation invites you to this commemorative march to denounce all forms of violence and discrimination.
Together we will take to the streets to spread a message of hope for a better world, to highlight the beauty of diversity and to pass on the memory so that we never forget!
In memory of Ihsane and all victims of discrimination.
The new report by TGEU (Transgender Europe) has just been released. It is a detailed analysis of the situation of...
publié le 29 September 2017