
Queer Flash Tattoos / La Rata Tattoo
RainbowHouse Brussels - Salle Lollepot - Rue de la Chaufferette 314:00 Saturday 02 December 2017
Would you like to get a tattoo?
La Rata joins the L-Festival for a flash tattoo session on Saturday afternoon! (14h-18)
La Rata mixes Russian primitive tattoos, elements of esoteric engravings, dotted shades and line tattoo with her personal rock, kinky and transfeminist background. Her chimerical animals, carps, dragons, octopuses, four-eyed cats and icons of queer culture are modern talismans, magical acts of transformation.
For the L-Festival, she is inspired by the themes of this year’s edition … “Butch” and “Food” … so queer!
The flash tattoos which will be proposed for the afternoon will be revealed during the week. Reservations should be done by email.
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