L’Abeille Blanche

Feel like letting off steam with three back to back sets? Yes, yes. It’s possible: on October 1st from 8pm, as part of the Shakti Stream tour, the witches’ channel, warriorresses presents :
Monica Kinolta – 9PM
Mona Servo – 10PM
James – 11PM
The Crazy Circle will be transformed into a concert hall to welcome them… and to welcome you! Come and move your bodies to the sounds of 3 fantastic live sets.
This activity is organized as part of FluidCity, a series of socio-cultural activities organized for and by transgender people (binary, non-binary, gender fluid…). This project is funded by Equal.Brussels.
*A transgender person is a person who does not identify with the gender he or she was assigned at birth (opposite of cisgender)
Besides occasional news reports about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, there is very little comparable...
publié le 29 September 2017