⭐ RainbowHouse Brussels celebrates its 20th anniversary – part 1 : inqlusion
La Bellone (Rue de Flandre 46 - 1000 Bruxelles)13:00 > 22:00 Friday 29 October 2021
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Rainbowhouse, InQLusion invites you to participate in a training day. 20 years is a long time and yet a very short time. The LGBTQIA+ community has seen changes, developments and new challenges in 20 years. The family has grown, trying to make some forgotten communities visible and welcome as full members. This has resulted in a change of name from Holebi (gay, lesbian, bi) to Rainbowhouse and the lengthening of the acronym LGBTQIA+. But there is still a lot to be done, for the rights of all, the visibility of all.
Then, from 7:00 pm, a Round Table will bring together many Rainbow Houses of Belgium (Unique Leuven, Het Roze Huis Antwerpen, Regenbooghuis Limburg, Casa Rosa Gent, Maison Arc-en-Ciel du Brabant wallon Ottignies, Maison Arc-en-Ciel Virton, Maison Arc-en-Ciel Namur, Maison Arc-en-Ciel Verviers, RainbowHouse Brussel) and aiming to deal with the great evolutions of the struggles and realities of the country’s RainbowHouses over the last 20 years. This will be held at the Bellone (rue de Flandre, 46 – 1000 Brussels).
From 8:45 pm, a reception will take place to announce the beginning of the festivities, where you will be able to drink, eat and exchange with everyone.
During this day, we will address two key issues:
Panel 1 (13h-15h): That of commitment and volunteering, without which LGBTQIA+ movements would still be at an embryonic stage.
Kis Keya: Afroqueer filmmaker and activist
Nathalie Leenen: Rainbowhouse volunteer
Andy Lors: LIGBTQIA+ activist and HIV activist
Ahmed Betlabi: Ex-Aequo and InQlusion volunteer
Chille Deman: Co-founder Rainbowhouse
Clément Dallex Mabille: cultural worker and queer activist
Panel 2 (15h30-17h): For the past few years, InQlusion has been focusing on LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers, a minority, doubly discriminated and marginalised. How can we think about real inclusion in our environments for these groups?
Aïda Yancy, Afro-feminist, anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ activist, expert on race, gender and sexuality issues.
Jean-Daniel NDIKUMANA: expert on the situation of LGBQTI in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa. Also member of the GERIS team within the European Commission working on religion and diversity. Legal President of the EDDIB association in Burundi
To register, please click on the link here:
This activity is organized as part of the 20th birthday of the RainbowHouse. This project is funded by Equal.Brussels, the City of Brussels, the COCOF and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
Please note that access to the room will only be possible with a covid safe ticket.
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