Genres Pluriels

Genres d’à côté promeut les cultures des sexualités et des genres différents par des démarches cinématographiques et artistiques.
Tous les 2ème samedis du mois à la MAC, c’est le bar de Genres d’à Côté, l’occasion d’un verre dans une ambiance musicale chaque fois différente (pop-rock alternatif, italodisco, hip-hop, riot grrrls…).
May 24th is the international day of pansexual and panromantic (or pan) visibility. Pansexuality is a sexual orientation in its...
publié le 29 September 2017
Since the 18th of January 2020, the rooms of the RainbowHouse have been named after 7 important LGBTQI+ icons. The...
publié le 29 September 2017
Since the 18th of January 2020, the rooms of the RainbowHouse have been named after 7 important LGBTQI+ icons. The...
publié le 29 September 2017
The new report by TGEU (Transgender Europe) has just been released. It is a detailed analysis of the situation of...
publié le 29 September 2017