
Woman and queer: which place in culture? // L-Festival

Les CHEFF Bibliothèque provinciale de l'Université du Travail - Boulevard Roullier 1, 6000 Charleroi
14:00 > 18:00
Saturday 01 December 2018

>> Woman and queer: which place in culture?

Which visibility for queer women in culture and in the media? Which cultural work for women in the LGBTQI community?

As part of the L-Festival, “les CHEFF” organize a French-speaking convivial round table that brings together several women active in the LGBTQI cultural milieu to share their experience!

Blogger, Youtuber, Writer, Director: they will be there to make you discover their work!

Where? The library of the UT, in Charleroi.

When? Saturday December 1st from 2 to 6 p.m.

Admission price? Free!

>> L-Festival 2018, full program:

The L-Festival is a feminist, lesbian, bi and trans festival,, organized by RainbowHouse Brussels.