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Second phase of the Grands Carmes project – We are indoors !
published on 2 December 2022
Lydia Mutyebele, alderwoman of Housing, Public Patrimony and Equal Opportunities visited the LGBTQIA+ Community Center Les Grands Carmes this Monday, November 28 at 4pm
The LGTBQIA+ Community Center Les Grands Carmes, a new LGBTQIA+ space focused on culture, health and training, is entering the second phase of its installation at 20-22 Grands Carmes street.
Lydia Mutyebele visited the facilities built by the feminist Collective of building professionals, L Trans Form, to allow the activation of the associations Ex Aequo, Coalition Plus, Genres Pluriels, RainbowHouse Brussels and Tels Quels.
On the occasion of December 1st, World HIV Day and in the framework of Brussels without AIDS, she inaugurated the exhibition “Out of the rabbit hole, artivism against stigma”, a collection of artworks made by Conigli bianchi, an international collective of artists mobilized against HIV. This exhibition will be on view in 2023 in the heart of the newly renovated bar.
The LGBTQIA+ Community Center is a project led by a group of associations grouped together in the non-profit organization Les Grands Carmes. This collective has obtained from the City of Brussels the temporary occupation of a site located in the rue des Grands Carmes, covering 1800 square meters, a few steps from the Manneken Pis. They are working on the creation of a center dedicated to cultural and educational events, which will include a social café, co-working spaces, cultural spaces, offices for Brussels LGBTIQIA+ associations and a Rainbow House of Health (MACS Brussels Checkpoint).
Lydia Mutyebele Ngoi, alderwoman for Housing, Public Patrimony and Equal Opportunities :
“The temporary occupation of the Grands Carmes meets a real need of the LGBTQI+ community for a permanent reference place that integrates the different aspects and services related to this theme in the heart of the City of Brussels. I am delighted to discover the new developments here and to see the impressive progress this site has made in just a few months.”
Jean-François Cannoot, general coordinator RainbowHouse Brussels :
“This project, unique in Europe, is an unprecedented opportunity for the City of Brussels and the LGBTQIA+ community. It is about creating a center of resources, training and expression accessible to dozens of queer associations in the region. The missions of this associative hub will be based on the reinforcement of competences, the sensitization of the general public to the realities, specificities and talents of people from sexual and gender minorities”.
Denise Cullus, vice-president of Tels Quels :
“We are working together with the Brussels land registry to stay in the premises after the temporary occupation. This summer, we organized a series of workshops with about 50 community members who worked on what the project would look like after 2025, when the city will completely renovate the site.
Maxence Paquot, trainer and administrative staff at Genres Pluriels :
“The 2022-2025 temporary occupancy will allow our different associations to come together, pool our resources… and dream big! The Grands Carmes community center will institutionalize an LGBTQIA+ safe space in the center of Brussels, a space for living, working and culture together. A space of well-being and care as well, with the implementation of a health care system that tries to respond to the specific health needs of LGBTQIA+ people”.
Mike Mayné, President of Ex Aequo, health partner for men who love men :
“It is time that Brussels gets this LGBTQIA+ community center. It deserves it! This center, which brings together in a single place the well-being, health and culture of the LGBTQIA+ population, is particularly awaited in our city. Ex Aequo is looking forward to moving there in the coming weeks and to working with Genres Pluriels and Tels Quels on the creation of the Maison Arc en Ciel de la Santé, the MACS Brussels checkpoint.