In the picture

Report It !
published on 22 November 2022
Safe Brussels and the Brussels Regional Public Service ( have joined forces with RainbowHouse Brussels to carry out a project to collect anonymous data on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. In consultation with our partners, we have developed a reporting form that will be effective from 2019.
The reporting project consists of interviews with people from the community who have experienced violence here in Brussels, and who choose to come forward and make their voices heard in a confidential way, denouncing oppression, (cyber)harassment, physical, verbal or psychological aggression of a lgbtqia+phobic nature.
Every report counts. Every voice has its place. We are here to listen to you and direct you to the appropriate services.
We guarantee your welcome and listen to you in a safer space.
Hesitating to file a complaint? Do you want to have a written record of your story? You do not wish to file a complaint? By reporting an LGBTQIA+phobic act you are also helping to bring to light all the acts that are rarely reported to the authorities and this can make a difference.
The information about the context will then help to adjust prevention actions and services
in such situations, in cooperation with the authorities.
Are you affected by an insult? An incident ? Violent, stigmatizing and unacceptable
You can write us an email to We will use this to contact you and arrange a meeting at your convenience.
A telephone reporting line is also available (via WhatsApp and SMS or by leaving a message on +32 492 40 84 84).