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Police Training
published on 7 April 2023
Rainbow Cops Belgium LGBT Police Genres Pluriels
For several years now, we have been proposing to various institutions and services to the population to better understand the realities and evolutions concerning questions of identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. In order to better respond to the needs of LGBTQIA+ people in their institutions and frontline services, we organize training and exchanges on social, historical and legal aspects.
This early spring, we submitted this training to law enforcement from the six police zones in the region, both administrative and field staff.
With Genres Pluriels and Rainbow Cops as co-facilitators, we explored concrete situations, anti-discrimination devices, pronoun issues and all possible questions in order to improve care, self-confidence and confidence in the institution.
This day of reflection brought together several dozen people in the Grands Carmes. training center.

Various themes were addressed during the day, thanks to several speakers:
- What good practices to adopt for the reception and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people (RainbowHouse)
- Introduction to trans-identity and intersex (Genres Pluriels)
- Role-playing with an actor.
- Technical and legal aspects of contact with LGBQTIA+ people (Rainbow Cops)

Some feedback from participants:
“In my opinion, this training is very important for understanding the different terms designated by LGBTQIA+, but also very important for our fieldwork.”
“The role plays confront us with fears that we can often have, but we get a lot of positives out of it. It’s a great tool for services that are dealing with these situations.”

If you would like more information on our training processes, which are intended to be moments of exchange and listening to the situations encountered, contact
A project of our training pole Inqlusion with the support of Equal Brussels.