In the picture

COVID19: RainbowHouse measurements
published on 2 April 2020
In accordance with the last government’s recommendations regarding COVID-19, RainbowHouse is closed until July 31, 2020. The consequences are as follows: All activities in the bar, as well as the meetings, will be cancelled. Also, the number 02 503 59 90 isn’t reachable.
The reporting service is still available online.
You can contact us via the email address and we will call you back to establish your report by phone.
For any general informations plus contacts us via
The RainbowHouse team is still available by e-mail.

The message of the association Genres pluriels:
“The current period of lockdown is difficult for everyone, but clearly more so for some than others.
For transgender and/or intersex people who feel psychologically fragile during the lockdown, Genres Pluriels (team psychologists and volunteer non-psychologist members) offers a support hotline or chat room …”
For more information :

MÉMO COVID-19 Orientation des personnes en situation de grande précarité avec ou sans accès aux soins de santé