Melting Pot – Los Niños Party
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23:00 samedi 19 mai 2018
MELTING POT – collective dance jam led by Marco Torrice
Los Ninos Party @ ZODIAK
PrideFestival Brussels 2018 #YourLocalPower
Programme complet / Volledig programma :
W W W . R A I N B O W H O U S E . B E
To dance is first of all, a way of transforming blocked energies. Doing this with other people is a way of empowering this experience. The approach of MELTING POT is not explicitly political. It is searching for a shared experience beyond what is prescribed within the political – an empowerment of sensibilities and an attempt of overcoming cultural barriers.
MELTING POT (a dance jam led by Marco Torrice) has undergone many changes and transformations since the time Marco was studying atP.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) and takes its roots from the work of Steve Paxton and David Zambrano, and their development of a concrete and innovative dance practice (Steve Paxton – Contact Improvisation and David Zambrano – Passing Through).
More informations :
Registration :
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