Rainbow Cops Belgium LGBT Police

“In being everything for everyone, when am I anything for myself?” – Malebo Sephodi, Miss Behave
In a society that glorifies productivity and discriminates and punishes difference, being marginalized and taking care of yourself is a radical action.
This workshop is a space for us, as queer feminist activists, to take the time to determine for ourselves who we want to be, rather
than who society wants us to be.
Together we will critically re-think the ways in which we struggle, and confront our own prejudices surrounding what it means to be ‘a good activist’.
We will work towards developing tools to start practicing ‘the world that we want’ in the ways we organize ourselves as individuals, and as communities.
We will work with how to create our own self care strategies and how to set up our own healthy barriers.
As community activists and care takers we are supporting areas of our society in critical states.
We need to continue this work, without running ourselves into the ground. Radical self care, recuperation and pleasure are crucial for continuing our struggle for a sustainable society for all.
The workshop is inclusive and open to all genders and bodies, but encourages individuals who identify or have been identified as queer femme and/or female to participate.
The work doesn’t require any experience, just come as you are and with clothes that you feel comfortable and can move in.
>> Xiri Tara Noir is a community and pleasure activist, organizer, performance artist and choreographer. S.he has facilitated research labs, workshops and lectures for artists and activists, who are both able-bodied and differently-abled-bodied. As an activist s.he has her roots in the radical queer feminist and sex worker community and has been working in various collaborations with women on the edge of society, amongst other things as a teacher of feminist self defense. In her choreographic practice s.he examines the edges that separates and connect academic research from our everyday gestures and practices. Within a variation and exchange of social
roles her work explores the boundaries and hierarchies between ‘artist’ and ‘audience’, and between what it means to be observing or participating in an event.
“if we’re going to heal, let it be glorious.”
– Beyoncé
>> Reserve your place by sending a mail to: xiritaranoir@gmail.com
Places are limited and attendance is through booking only.
Feel free to contact Xiri Tara Noir if you have any doubts and questions.
payment by sliding scale donations – so bring some cash€€
>> L-Festival full-program:
L-Festival is a lesbian, bi, trans and feminist festival organized by RainbowHouse Brussels.
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